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The Independent Observer > News > Nkhuwa lessens health burden of 28, 000 people

Nkhuwa lessens health burden of 28, 000 people

By Staff Writer
Lulamba Township of Chingola constituency has a population of 28, 680 according to latest Ministry of Health statistics.

This population used to depend on Lulamba health post, with a handful Konkola Copper Mines employees accessing health services at the mine clinic nearby.

Sadly, this health post was only operating between 08:00 hours and 14:00 hrs making the residents with health emergencies trek to the already crowded Chawama clinic, thereby adversely affecting service delivery.

As of today the community is thrilled with the local arrangements of upgrading the health post to be operating night and day.

Memory Mambwe, one of the clients at Lulamba clinic thanked the area Member of Parliament Matthew Nkhuwa for constructing a maternity annex.

Ms Mambwe said previously in the mini structure, it was embarrassing for the antenatal clients because they were being mixed with ordinary clients.

She said the coming of pre-fab wing constructed by GRZ in partnership with USAID and JSI has just added value to the clinic.

“This time we even have a Clinical Officer, an indication that things have improved. We are grateful to the MP,” she said.

And Lulamba Sister-In-Charge Serah Chisanga said that the maternity wing registers 40 deliveries per month on average, the situation which has reduced referrals to other health facilities.

Ms Chisanga said at the moment the health facility attends to 8, 000 patients every month.

She has appealed to Mr Nkhuwa to help in the quick upgrade of the health facility which is still being classified as a health post despite operating 24/7.

She said when a health facility is classified as a health post, it only receives kit and very limited but without drugs.

“At the moment what we are using are local arrangements for the health facility to have drugs which we are grateful to,” she said.

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