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The Independent Observer > News > Hero: son accidentally shoots violent dad to death in effort to disarm him

Hero: son accidentally shoots violent dad to death in effort to disarm him

A-21-year-old brave son of a white South African father has shot dead his violent father in an effort to save his disabled mother from the gun wielding father.

Andre Reeves was tangled in a gun wrestle with his father Mark Derek Reeves who had two guns, a pistol and a shot gun which he was pointing at his disabled wife on a wheelchair.

Mark 45, had been beating his children and his wife and was at the point of shooting his wife, his other son and the same Andre.

Then the family shouted for help and Charles Reeves 84, the father to Mark came with a view to rescue the situation.

Sadly, as Mr Reeves senior approached, Mark warned his father while pointing a gun at him that he would shoot him.

Tactfully, Andre got the shotgun and shot at his father on the elbow to disarm him and he rushed to grab the cocked pistol in the hands of Mark but in the process it exploded and shot the assailant in the stomach.

Copperbelt Police Chief Charity Katanga has confirmed the shooting of Mark Reeves to The Independent Observer.

Ms Katanga said the shooting incident happened yesterday December 11 between 19:00 hours and 19:30 hours at Newlands Farm off Solwezi Rd Chingola.

She said Mark of the same farm died after a short gun went off in the process of wrestling with his son namely Andre Reeves of the same address with the view to disarm him.

“According to eye witness the father to Mark Charles Reeves of the same farm, stated that Mark had become violent by beating his wife who is disabled and moves on wheelchair after a marital dispute.

“They shouted for help and when Mr Reeves Snr. came for their rescue he found Mark holding two guns a pistol and a short gun and he instead shouted at him whilst pointing a gun at him that he will shoot at his children, wife and him should he interfere, that’s when Andre Reeves wrestled with him with the view to grab the two guns from him unfortunately two bullets expanded thereby killing him on the spot,” she said.

She said police visited the scene of crime and found Mark dead on the sitting room floor with two bullet wounds on left side of the abdomen, on the back and left elbow and a cocked pistol beside his body and Maverick short gun serial no. MV 78847G with two expanded bolls.

Ms Katanga said the body was certified died at Nchanga South hospital and was put into the mortuary awaiting postmortem.

Andre, who Charles Reeves described as a Hero is at the farm with his mom and the rest of the family.

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