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The Independent Observer > Headlines > NFCA funds rehabs of Chibuluma, Chibote clinics in Kalulushi

NFCA funds rehabs of Chibuluma, Chibote clinics in Kalulushi

Kalulushi Municipal Council has put up a Water Tank at Chibuluma Government Clinic at a cost of K34, 000.

The clinic has for a long time been facing water challenges.

Kalulushi Mayor Rashida Mulenga told The Independent Observer that after fact finding mission, arrangement was made to facilitate for water.

Ms Mulenga said Non-Ferrous Corporation Africa (NFCA) was approached for the project was funded at a cost of K260,000 together with the rehabilitation of Chibote Clinic.

“We thank NFCA for facilitating the completion of the Doctors house and Chibote Clinic through cooperate social responsibility.

“We are urging the residents and our health workers at the clinic to take good care of the facilities,” she said.

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