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Insulting youths will be weeded out-Copperbelt PF Youth Chair

Copperbelt PF Provincial Youth Chairperson Don Mungulube says the youths that are insulting leaders on social media will be weeded out from the party.

Speaking with The Independent Observer, Mr Mungulube said that he has observed a bad trend where youths who are not in structures are used to insult leaders on WhatsApp groups.

He said what had been discovered was that the same youths are simply used by officials in the structures to settle scores with those perceived as their political obstacles.

“We will not end at fishing them out of their hibernation but we will involve the Police to get to the bottom of such matters so that the-would to be offenders can be brought to book to answer for their wrong doings.

“We will not allow our youths to be indiscipline. Some youths are used to intimidate party officials, the situation which we cannot tolerate,” he said.

Mr Mungulube implored the youths to admire our Party President Edgar Lungu who has risen to the top because of being objective.

“President Lungu in his political sphere has been objective, industrious and focused, no wonder our late Founding father Michael Sata passed on the mantle to him. This is the same reason why Zambians voted for him and it will be the same reason why Zambians will still vote for him in 2021.

“In politics, loyalty defines a character and it is loyalty which helps to promote unity. As youths let us use the WhatsApp groups to highlight the several projects PF has undertaken. Social media is like a double edged sword. If we use it badly it will injure us and if we use it effectively, it will bring growth and glory to the party as it smoothens communication,” he said.

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