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Solwezi Council ‘Integrity Committee’ cheers ACC

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) says it is impressed with the progress and efforts made by Solwezi Municipal Council (SMC) Integrity Committee in the fight against corruption.

ACC Board Chairperson Justice Anderson ZiKonda (Retired) said this when he and his entourage paid a courtesy call on Solwezi Municipal Council Town Clerk Bornwell Luanga.

Mr Zikonda said that corruption is a cancer which needed to be fought hence delighted that SMC had attached seriousness on the formation of the I.C.

He said the report is likely going to be used as a model for formation of other districts’ Integrity Committees (IC)

The Board Chairperson said the Commission was happy and congratulated Solwezi Council for setting an example by formulating IC.

Mr Zikonda appealed to the local authority to help out other departments and agencies come up with the integrity committees.

ACC Board vice Chairperson Yvonne Chibiya said that Solwezi Council needed to be commended because despite austerity measures, the Council was able to do quite a lot in the fight against corruption.

Ms Chibiya admitted that issues of integrity are very pertinent and should be inculcated in officers working in public service delivery institutions.

She indicated that the fight against corruption was not just for the ACC but needed concerted and collaborated efforts from individuals working in both the public and private sectors.

And Mr Luanga presented a report on the activities undertaken by the IC which included, training of IC members on their roles and responsibilities, sensitization of policy makers and members of staff on the formation and importance of the IC, formation of the Anti-Corruption Annual Prevention Plan, institutional Code of Conduct, Gift and Benefits Policy, among others.

He said the IC plays a critical role in institutional management.

The Anti-Corruption Act No. 3 0f 2012 advocates for the formation of Integrity Committees in all public and private bodies to control corruption and malpractices within the institutions.

This is contained in a statement issued by SMC Assistant Public Relations Manager Esther Chirwa

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