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The Independent Observer > News > 95 new houses handed over to Chingola Police officers

95 new houses handed over to Chingola Police officers

Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo says luck of adequate housing unit for security wings has potential to compromise national security and the life of officers and their families.

Mr Kapyongo said that security officers as custodians of maintaining peace deserve better accommodation.

He said peace is one critical aspect of the country for everything to workout.

The Minister said access to decent housing is a fundamental need with a bearing on people’s performance of their duties hence Government commitment to provide officers with decent houses.

Mr Kampyongo was speaking when he commissioned 95 housing units for Zambia Police officers in Chingola today.

He said the people handling security matters of the nation should have access to decent housing as living in poor housing cannot perform to the best of their abilities.

He said an ineffective officer cannot guarantee the security of the country’s social and economic development.

“My Government shall continue to make the sacrifices necessary to ensure our security offices have access to decent housing,” he said.

The Minister urged all recipients of the houses to remember that they are constructed at a great cost, hence the need to take good care of them and maintaining the cleanness.

Mr Kampyongo said officers should reciprocate the gesture from the government by offering excellent service to the people by maintaining law and order.

He said the negative attitude from the police officers to the people they are meant to serve must stop.

Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja said the housing unit will go a long way in improve their work culture and motivate officers to work extra hard.

Mr Kanganja said the institutional is pleased with several state of the art infrastructure development.

He has urged Commissioners and unity commanders to adhere to police dress cord to improve the confidence in the communities they serve.

The IG has appealed to the Minister over Chiwempala Police Station that the building housing needs immediate attention, because it is at the edge of collapsing.

Mr Kanganja was speaking in a speech read on his behalf by Copperbelt Police Deputy Commissioner Wamunyima Wamunyima.

He thanked the government for its continued support to the police service in terms of infrastructure development and improved conditions of service.

Chingola Central Officer In-Charge Antony Mphanza one of the recipient said that the housing units are a motivation to the officers as it will improve their performance.

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