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Veep urges illegal Miners to formalise their activities

Vice President Inonge Wina says Government is looking at ways in which Zambian illegal miners who are being exploited can be supported to formalise their activities.

Speaking when she called on, Chief Sandwe of the Nsenga people in Lusangazi district – Eastern Province, Ms Wina said there is a need to protect the local people whom she said can form cooperatives and get support from the Industrial Development Corporation -IDC- to legalise mining activities.

Ms Wina said that the agenda to start the process of regularizing the production of minerals will have well-structured programs.

The Vice President stated that through cooperatives, the miners who are currently quarrying at a small-scale level can be supported with equipment as their operations.

Ms Wina praised authorities at Mawanda Primary school for implementing the school feeding programme which she observed has helped improve school attendance and learner performance.

She said Government wants to ensure every child is motivated to perform better and that the school feeding programme is one such incentive which also improves nutrition among children.

Earlier, Chief Sandwe stressed the need to stop illegal mining and called for serious investors to be engaged in gold excavation in the district.

The traditional leader also appealed to Government to rehabilitate the Petauke/Chilongozi/Sandwe/ Msoro road which is a major motorway linking the district to Petauke and Mambwe districts.

Chief Sandwe said the road which is in a deplorable state needs to be upgraded to enhance accessibility.

And Eastern Province Minister Makebi Zulu said Government has released an initial 10 Million Kwacha for the upgrading of the Petauke/Chilongozi/Sandwe/Msoro road to bituminous standard.

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