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The Independent Observer > OS > ZRA Boss is the one with big clearing jobs-Clearing Agent

ZRA Boss is the one with big clearing jobs-Clearing Agent

Dear Editor,

It is gratifying to hear President Edgar Lungu come out so strongly that there are a few companies that are benefiting from clearing jobs at the borders.

The President should know that Zambia Revenue Authority Director General Kingsley Chanda is one of those having major clearing jobs and we have been left to suffer.

Actually President Lungu should have specifically said that ZRA Boss Kingsley Chanda is the one involved.

Mr Chanda declared interest in Nishat which is now split into two clearing companies, the other is being run by his wife and the one by his nephew.

He is the one who has grabbed most of clearing jobs for most of the big businesses to himself.

I’m a clearing Agent at Chirundu border. He is very selfish man.

Clearing Agent
Chirundu Border

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