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Govt adopts response to ending child marriage

Minister of National Development Planning, Alexander Chiteme says the country has adopted a comprehensive response to ending child marriage through multi-sectoral planning and implementation of interventions.

Mr Chiteme said the comprehensive response has brought together all key sectors such as education, health, social services and justice sector.

He said education includes life skills for both in and out of school adolescents and young people, health includes assess to sexual reproductive health information and services.

“While social services include social cash transfers and economic empowerment and livelihood interventions,” he said.

The Minister was speaking to delegates on the Nairobi Summit the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD@25) his leading the Zambian delegation on behalf of President Edgar Lungu.

“It is worth noting that Zambia was one of the first countries in Africa to develop a National Strategy on ending Child Marriage and this national strategy also has a costed National Plan of Action. Further, we have a national communication and advocacy strategy.
The formulation of these policy documents was led by the Government with support from the UN system particularly UNFPA and UNICEF,” he said.

Mr Chiteme informed the delegates that the Zambian Government and other stakeholders work together to ensure traditional and religious leaders, parents, traditional marriage counsellors, young people, adolescents, children was reached with information.

He said keeping girls in school until completion enhance their potential and capacities through skills training.


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