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The Independent Observer > OS > To Chingola Mayor: Traffic obstruction at Total fuel station

To Chingola Mayor: Traffic obstruction at Total fuel station

Dear Editor,

I just want to use your platform to raise a safety concern I have observed in Chingola.

The junction for Mkushi and Kitwe road is very unsafe and neither the police nor the council seem to be concerned.

The blue sheets covering the construction works at Total filling station are blocking the view of motorists as they join Kitwe road.

The worse situation is that bus drivers park their buses right at the junction on both sides making it even more difficult to join Kitwe road as motorists can’t see on coming vehicles from either the left or the right.

There’s a school on Mkushi road and the junction gets busy at pick up and drop off times.

Those buses shouldn’t be allowed to park there. Kindly bring this to the attention of the relevant authorities.

Bwalya Chafilwa

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