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The Independent Observer > Politics > Political violence has potential for civil strife-Rainbow

Political violence has potential for civil strife-Rainbow

The Rainbow Party is disappointed in the manner the PF government is handling electoral violence in the country.

Rainbow Party National Spokesperson Dennis Kapukulo said the party considers electoral violence as dangerous with potential to plunge the country into civil unrest.

Mr Kapukulo said the ruling party must take the violence seriously and quickly end it.

He has challenged President Edgar Lungu to release the findings from the commission of inquiry on electoral violence set up by himself soon after 2016 general elections.

“This is where we need to start from if the government is serious and wants to end this violence they should have made the findings public and perpetrators brought to book. As Rainbow Party we objected to the formation of this commission in the first place because we knew it was just there to create employment for their friends as a payback and nothing else,” he said.

Mr Kapukulo said nothing has come out from this commission as electoral violence has continued even to the extent of losing lives.

He said the Rainbow Party has adviced the PF not to trivialize this violence because one day they will not be able to handle it.

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