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Mimbula miners besiege Mines Minister over unpaid balance

Mimbula Mining Consortium limited Board members are seeking audience with the Minister of Mines Richard Musukwa to help them sort out the prolonged unresolved problems among them unpaid balance.

Mimbula Board Secretary Bonaventure Mulenga said the prolonged problems are impacting negatively on the youths and the whole community.

Mimbula Board Secretary Bonaventure Mulenga

Mr Mulenga said efforts by the board members to dialogue with the Directors of Datong Construction Ltd and China Copper Mines (CCM) have been brushed aside with contempt.

He and board Members and some leaders from various cooperatives involved in the consortium presented a letter to the Minister of Mines seeking him to expeditiously fix an appointment to address them.

He said the consortium can’t afford legal fees to take the Chinese firm to court to get legal readdress, hence seeking to meet the Minister to get answers to the pertinent questions arising out of the sale of the dump sites to Datong operating as China Copper Mines.

Mr Mulenga said the Mimbula consortium has a membership of over three thousand people and its business activity is their means of earning a living to support families.

He said the ministry should revoke the mining Licences granted to CCM as it was obtained fraudulently and has worked against the interest of the people in the community

“We appreciate our government effort to empower youths and it’s our aim to create employment to youths and alleviate poverty through honest work,” he said

One of the cooperative Chairperson Philip Saheti said the community has not benefited from the sale of the mine as the investor has not fulfilled its corporate social responsibility as agreed in the contract.

Below is the correspondence that was presented to the office of the Minister and some which were presented to the minister’s office earlier.

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