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KCM Liquidator

Konkola Blades Boss: getting lion’s share from KCM grant

Dear KCM Liquidator,

We are ardent Konkola Blades soccer fans but we have been banned from entering Konkola Stadium by the mighty Konkola Blades Club President David Mubita.

The banned fans are; Layson Maybbe, Lewis Muteba, Masuzyo Nsofwa, Nickson Siwale and Las Body.

We were banned for expressing our displeasure on how the team is performing and he took offence. Soccer fans globally express their displeasure whenever the team is performing badly.

We will tell little bit of how he benefits from the grant that comes from the sponsor Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) which is K170, 000 per month.

Mubita runs a supermarket along President Drive in town centre.

What he does is that he provides food when the team is in the camp from his supermarket. He lends players both money and goods on credit from his supermarket.

And when the grant from KCM comes he deducts everything, where at times only K30, 000 remains for players’ wages.

Also on City Circuit, Blades was the first team to be approached to buy the team but Mubita said he had no capacity.

Yet, Rangers being sponsored by the same mine bought the team.

At the moment he has no vice chairperson after he chased Benjamin Sikombe, the owner of Mine Boy buses.

He has closed himself up so that business which goes to his supermarket should not stop.

Unit Finance had come on board but he blocked them.

We are asking for KCM Liquidator to solve the problems at Konkola Blades if possible fire Mubita from the club.

Chililabombwe Member of Parliament Richard Musukwa used to come and support our team and each time he came he would pay for gate takings and allow everyone to enter for free.

Musukwa would also visit the dressing room and give the players money. This philanthropy act never used to settle well with Mubita.

Layson Maybbe
Konkola Blades Soccer Fan

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