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The Independent Observer > News > Only main contractor can nominate, award 20% sub-contracts-State House

Only main contractor can nominate, award 20% sub-contracts-State House

State House says the 20 per cent sub-contracting policy should only be awarded by the main contractor or the client.

Speaking in Ndola while checking on Avic compliance to the 20 per cent sub-contracting policy, Special Assistant to the President for Projects, Implementation and Monitoring Andrew Chellah said the 20 per cent threshold is a government policy and no other.

Responding to Journalists at Kafulafuta dam site, Mr Chellah charged that no one else is in charge of nomination and of awarding the contracts other than the main contractor.
He said the other key stakeholder in the process of sub-contracting policy is the National Construction Council.

Mr Chellah guided that all would be contractors must submit their credentials to either the main contractors or the client while NCC comes in to check for compliance of nominated contractors

“Alternatively the credentials must be submitted to clients such as the Road Development Agency and all three water utility firms on the Copperbelt, namely; Mulonga, Nkana and Kafubu Water and Sanitation Companies.

“The final selection of sub-contractors is done by the main contractor and no other. And if anyone who says, he is charge of nominating of sub-contractors for the awards of contract that in itself is an illegality. Our role as government is to monitor that the 20 per cent threshold is adhered to by al foreign companies,” he said.

And Mr Chellah expressed disappointment with Avic charged with the responsibility to expand the Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe (Ndola) Airport for failing to adhere to the 20 per cent mandate.

He said the Avic sub-contracting policy at the Ndola Airport was a disaster as only five local contractors were engaged by Avic.

He insists that government is not asking from foreign firm but demanding for the 20 percent for empowerment of the locals and skill transfer.

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