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The Independent Observer > News > Solwezi DC salutes FQM on anti-burn campaign

Solwezi DC salutes FQM on anti-burn campaign

Government has expressed happiness that First Quantum Minerals (FQM) is resuming the Anti-bush burning campaign program in North-Western province and the country at large as it will sensitize and educate the local people about the dangers of bush burning.

Speaking during a community sensitization campaign in Kyalalakuwa area today, Solwezi District Commissioner Rosemary Kamalonga stressed the importance of the program and called on the locals to support it so as to safe guard the land, environment and other natural resources.

Ms Kamalonga further explained that Government through His Excellency the President, Edgar Lungu will collaborate with FQM and give additional support to ensure that the program continues.

She added that some bad human activities such as bush burning, cutting down of trees for charcoal burning and other bad farming methods are the major contributing factors to the climate change in the region hence the need to stop the vice.

The District Commissioner has also appealed to all farmers in the province to consider conservation farming as the only good method of farming in province of preserving the land.

And speaking at the same meeting Kyalalakuwa Primary School Deputy Head teacher Sonywell Jito has commended FQM for extending the program into that community as will improve their environment.

Meanwhile FQM Kansanshi Mining PLC Land Resettlement Officer Golden Nyungila has assured Government and the general public that FQM is working to ensure that no one is left behind on sensitizing the locals on the effects of burning of the bushes and also on how people should preserve their land, environment and other natural resources.

Story By Evans Chola Lubelenga and Pictures by Golden Nyungila.

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