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Zambia securing agreements in renewable energy

Zambia is making positive strides towards securing agreements with Brazil in renewable energy.

Zambia’s Ambassador to Brazil, Dr Alfreda Kansembe-Mwamba said in Brasilia that Brazil has shown willingness to develop a bio-fuels industry in Zambia as a key driver to economic development.

She said following a consultative Seminar held in Lusaka in May this year on bio-fuels’ the Brazil Ethanol Cluster delegation leader Mr Flavio Castellari Apla reported that progress had been made and that the implementation of the bio fuel industry in Zambia will soon be attained.

Dr Kansembe said in November this year Mr Castellari Apla and his team will be in Zambia again to oversee progress on the matter.

She said Zambia was close to sealing the agreement with the Brazilian ethanol Cluster that is helping Zambia start a Bio-fuel industry.

Ambassador Kansembe added that there was need for the private sector and stakeholders to support government to score success on the project.

Dr Kasembe said bio-fuels’ Industry provides job- creation and income generations.

She said that Zambian farmers would have a ready market for cassava, sugarcane, sweet sorghum and legumes.

Meanwhile Brazil Ethanol Cluster Executive Director Mr Flavio Castellari Apla said a team coming to Zambia would consist of technical experts to offer advise.

He said from the previous study conducted, Zambia’s climate environment was suitable for a bio-fuels industry and that the local farmers needed to be included in the planning stage.

This is contained in a statement issued by Grace Makowane, First Secretary (Press and Public Relations) Zambian Embassy,Brazil.

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