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Chingola HIV rate spike

Chingola has recorded an increase in HIV positive infection from 6% in the last quarter of 2018 to 7% of second quarter of 2019.

The sad part is that there is also down ward trend of HIV testing services uptake, in the first quarter of 2019 from 20,999 in quarter 3 of 2018 to 17,861 in the first quarter of 2019

Chingola District Senior Clinical Care Officer Chaila Siluyele said the statics are a sad development because it shows that few people are going for HIV testing services.

Speaking at the commemoration of National HIV Counselling, Testing and Treatment day Dr Siluyele said VCT Day is an important opportunity to sensitize the community about the importance of knowing their HIV status

He said the district continues to undertake various activities to ensure that the epidemic HIV infections is brought under control.

Dr Siluyele said despite all efforts for people to know their HIV status very few people are coming to test and know they status

“This year’s theme states “ending AIDS starts with me, leaving no one behind” should unite as all and leave no one behind. Knowing ones status is not a death sentence, it offers an opportunity to stay negative or live positively if tested positive,” he said.

And Chingola Mayor Titus Tembo said access to health services and HIV Counselling, Testing and Treatment is critical in aiming to have a population that is self-aware.

Mr Tembo said for the fight to be effective everyone should be engaged in all the activities.

During this year’s commemoration Latkings Outreach Programme (LOP) was on ground to provide onsite HIV Testing Counselling and Test to Adolescents.

LOP District Coordinator Ruth Mutaneko said it is impossible to end AIDS minus fully involving the adolescents.

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