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The Independent Observer > News > Ndola Council confiscates goats, sheep

Ndola Council confiscates goats, sheep

The Ndola City Council swung into action yesterday and seized 42 goats and sheep in the Industrial area.

Ndola City Council Public Relations Manager Tilyenji Mwanza told The Independent Observer that the confiscation was meant to send a strong message that the local authority would not allow the rearing of livestock in backyards.

Ms Mwanza said the livestock are times left to stray even in premises such as malls as observed at Jacaranda Mall.

“We would like to reiterate its warning that it will not tolerate the rearing of livestock in undesignated areas. The Local Authority through its Public Health Department seized 42 stray goats and sheep on which a decision is yet to be made as to whether dispose or auction them.

“As guided by section 67 of the Public Health Act as well as the Local Government Act (street vending and nuisances amendment (no22) regulations, 2018, SI 12 of 2018. Ndola city council would like to warn residents who are keeping livestock in residents to refrain from this vice as this is a chargeable offence,” she said.

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