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The Independent Observer > News > Police denies DP peaceful walk against CBU closure

Police denies DP peaceful walk against CBU closure

The police in Kitwe have denied the Democratic Party the right to have a peaceful walk to demonstrate against the continued closure of CBU by the PF government.

As opposed to the Public Order Act which states that police should respond five days before the day of the event, Police only responded to DP last night ,  Friday the 26th July 2019 at about  20:00 hours. This was after they called us and advised us  to pick the letter from riverside police in the night and a few hours before the peaceful walk.

We picked the response and its a regret stating that police has no manpower to police our event due to the bye election going on  in Lubwa ward.

Its unfortunate that they had to wait untill the party had spent money for various logistics which is very inconveniencing in this crumbling economy.

However, after consideration of the reasons advanced by police , we have decided that we shall write to notify them  of our change of date to 10th August 2019.

We therefore would like to advice all the DP members,  CBU students and the public that were sheduled to be at Kaunda Square not to turn out this morning as earier planned.

To all those we paid monies to, kindly hold on and we shall be in touch with you.

The party will keep updating you all on this matter.

Issued by
Judith kabemba
DP Spokesperson

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