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The Independent Observer > Business > Chienge Salt project dawns

Chienge Salt project dawns

Luapula Province Minister Nickson Chilangwa says the long awaited Chienge Salt project will kick start at the end of this month.

Mr Chilangwa said high powered team of engineers is expected to move on site with equipment on July 31, 2019.

He said he held a meeting with BSBK Country Head Pratyusi Kumah over the Chienge salt project.

Mr Chilangwa said the project which was supposed to take off in 2017 suffered a major setback after the then company Chief Executive Officer died while prospecting for salt.

He has expressed happiness that the long – awaited project can soon take off.

Mr Chilangwa has assured the investor of his and the Senior Chief Puta’s support.

Mr Kumah gave a huge update on the progress made on the project saying BSBK has finalised the plan for the Chienge salt processing project.

“Our team will be there by July 31 with all the equipment like low bed trailer, Excavator and Borewell machine for testing purposes,”  he said.

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