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Prohibitive bail conditions keep UPND members behind bars

By Staff Writer
UPND says the prohibitive bail conditions set out by Chinsali Senior Resident Magistrate Julius Malata against the 16 UPND members and officials from Kasama has led to their continued incarceration at Chinsali Remand Prison.

Magistrate Malata had among other documents demanded for the production of Company Certificate of Registration, Latest Payslip and Annual Company Returns while the letter of introduction is to be on a company headed paper for each working surety resident in Chinsali.

UPND says the prohibitive conditions have been worsened by the fact that the accused are based in Kasama making it difficult to raise enough sureties who are not only working and resident in Chinsali but are also related to the accused.

Company owners are reluctant to produce PACRA documents as well as annual returns as demanded by the court for fear of victimization leading to most if not all sureties being disqualified by Magistrate Malata.

The court further demanded to view the house after one surety assured him that he would sell his house should the accused jump bail much to the amusement of the court audience.

The 16 accused have since applied to the court to have the prohibitive bail conditions varied as meeting them has proven impossible.

Defence Counsel Kashumba Mutti was by Press time preparing the application to vary the conditions.

The 16 accused which include Northern Province UPND Chairman Nathan Ilunga, his Secretary Lazarus Chongo and Youth Chairman Justine Mumbi remain incarcerated until set bail conditions are met.

In the meantime, a majority of Muchinga and Northern party provincial officials are in Chinsali trying to secure their release leaving the campaigns for the Mayembe ward election with a skeleton manpower.

This is a according to a media statement made available to The Independent Observer by UPND media team.

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