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The Independent Observer > Business > Sales Tax implementation differed to Sept 1

Sales Tax implementation differed to Sept 1

The implementation of the recently introduced Sales Tax has been differed to September 1, 2019.

Initially, Sales Tax was supposed to be implemented starting from July 1, 2019.

In her ministerial statement in Parliament today, Finance Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe said the implementation of Sales Tax was differed because the bill has not yet undergo parliamentary procedures which include second reading, committee stage and third reading.

Ms Mwanakatwe said once passed by parliament the bill has to undergo Presidential assent.

“Clearly these processes cannot be completed before the stated date of July 1, 2019. To this end I wish to inform this house and the nation that the implementation date for sales tax has been moved to September 1, 2019.

“Government has continued to receive submissions from both the public and private sectors as it continues to sensitize them on the content of the bill.  Like I said in my brief to the house in April, 2019, we do not want to leave any stone unturned. It is in this regard that my ministry working hand in hand with Zambia Revenue Authority went to all the 10 provinces to engage stakeholders in order to get their key input on the bill that was presented before this august house. We also interacted with professional bodies, academia, think tanks and other business associations,” she said.

She said there is need of support and determination to ensure that the nation gets enough resources to provide social services.

Ms Mwanakatwe proposed to hold a workshop with all Members of Parliament next week to discuss and clarify all issues on sales tax.

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