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The Independent Observer > News > Kasumbalesa marketeers’ shelter completed

Kasumbalesa marketeers’ shelter completed

The New Kasumbalesa Market shelter has been completed and all the stands put in place.
The project which is scheduled to be commissioned in two weeks’ time gobbled K495,000 of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF).
Chililabombwe Mayor Christabel Mulala said the Shelter has a capacity to accommodate 432 marketeers.
Ms Mulala said the shelter would enable the marketeers to trade in a clean and conducive environment.
She said the shelter would also be extended to accommodate more people as the border houses a lot of marketers.
The Mayor said that previously the marketeers used to trade on improvised tables which was not safe and clean especially during the rainy season.
Chililabombwe Municipal Council Director of Engineering Musa Chibawe said that the local authority constructed the shelter to make the place sanitable and ideal for traders to do business.
Mr Chibawe said that the structure been used for trading is hazards to them as the roof may fail off.
He said the structure provide a defined trading and improved area for trading.
“The shelter is complete 100 percent all the necessary key things have been done and the only thing left is the mark out of the stands trading point for each marketeer,” he said.
Veronica Musukuma one of the traders said that she has been trading at the boarder for over 10 years and they have never had a shelter hence grateful for this shelter.
Ms Musukuma said that they traded in unsafe trading environment.
She said that she was happy because they was security and people cleaning the market every day.
 The local Authority has also put up a concrete floor at Butungwa Market as the place was muddy which created inconveniences for marketeers.
The marketeers at this market showed gratitude toward this gesture and they are appealing to the Government for empowerment funds to boost they businesses.

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