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The Independent Observer > News > Lubambe Mine, Copper Rose Partner to Manage menses in Schools

Lubambe Mine, Copper Rose Partner to Manage menses in Schools

Lubambe Copper Mines (LCM) in collaboration with Copper Rose Zambia has trained women and girls in menstrual health care management in Konkola.

The company held a five-day training program for the women and girls. The program saw 20 women from Tilitose Group trained with skill of making re-usable pads.

To demonstrate hands on job 150 re-usable pads were donated to girls at Konkola Primary School all worth at K57, 000.

LCM Corporate Social Responsibility Manager Lomthunzi Mbewe said there is need for schools to start talking about the significance of menstrual health care management.

Ms Mbewe said the misconception about menstrual should be addressed in schools and communities like any other subject.

“Menses are natural so why shouldn’t we talk about them if schools and hospital talk about condoms? Most of our girls do not have menstrual health and sanitary wear. As Lubambe we want to ensure that every girl has some sort of access to pads so that they stay in school freely even when on menstrual.

“Going forward this initiative of reusable pads should be a business case and if women show the capability by sewing with hands the company pledges to support them. Lubambe is passionate about empowering women and girls because their are care givers who look after families.

And Copper Rose Zambia Deputy Program Manager Daisy Lutanga said that her organisation works to ensure that girls stay in school while on menses by providing sanitary pads and also providing menstrual health care management.

Ms Lutanga said a lot of girls stay aware from school when there are on menses.

She said there isn’t a lot of menstrual health education around Konkola, hence the training in the area.

“We are happy that Lubambe has taken up the project that focuses on women and girls, meaning we will have more girls in schools and women in communities.

I urge all to support these women by buying pads,” she said.

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