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The Independent Observer > News > CBU closed but workers getting paid-Rainbow Party

CBU closed but workers getting paid-Rainbow Party

Rainbow Party says it is strange that the PF government has joyfully closed Copperbelt University (CBU) indefinitely but paying workers for doing nothing.

Rainbow Party Copperbelt Information Publicity Secretary Humphrey Kabwe has wondered what kind of reasoning is the ruling PF employing of closing CBU while painfully paying workers for doing nothing.

Mr Kabwe said Rainbow party finds the reasoning to be strange and shocking.

“Thus we are demanding the immediate reopening of CBU so that workers can be paid for doing the work and students can return to school. It is so surprisingly for the PF to claim that they care for education yet they found it joyful to see students to be out of school. As the party on the Copperbelt, we demand the immediate reopening of CBU if you care for people’s education.

“The closure of CBU indicate that you don’t want to see people become educated but you prefer to have literate people that can dance to your dununa regret. Your move shows that you desire a literate nation which you can easily exploit in your advancement to remain in power forever,” he said.

He has implored government to learn from first President Kenneth Kaunda (KK) and UNIP who gave Zambians free education.

Mr Kabwe said KK and leadership never closed the institutions because they wanted people to be educated.

“Today you are literate because UNIP ensured you received good and supportive education. Why can’t you do the same today’s generation? Stop waiting for students to beg you that is when you can reopen the school. Why do you want students to beg you for the school to be reopened? Have you become small gods such that people should worship you for them to receive education?

“CBU should be reopened within this month or we shall ask the citizens to go on the streets to protest,” he said.

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