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The Independent Observer > kalulushi > Kalulushi MP delivers 100 pockets cement pledge toward church building

Kalulushi MP delivers 100 pockets cement pledge toward church building

Kalulushi Member of Parliament Kampamba Chewe has delivered 100 packets of cement and K,5000 Cash money pledge to Reformed Church of Zambia – Kalulushi Congregation towards the construction of a New Church building.

The Church held a fundraising Dinner on 14th October 2018 to rise funds for the construction of a New Church building and invited  Kampamba Mulenga Chewe as a guest of Honor.

As a guest of Honor, Ms Chewe Pledged 100 Pockets of Cement and K5,000 on top which she has since delivered through her Professional Assistant in the office Kalulushi MP Mr Douglas Chipwende.

And In receiving the Pledge Rev Tembo who’s in charge of RCZ Kalulushi Congregation expressed gratitude and thanked the area MP for the donation.

As a Church we are very grateful to our area Member of Parliament Hon Kampamba Chewe for the good works she is doing. She has shown that she is not Segregative, she is there for everyone and every church Rev Tembo stated.

He said Mrs Chewe is a leader of all people within and outside Kalulushi District.

“God gave President Lungu spiritual eyes to adopt her to stand as Kalulushi MP and we thank God Almighty she won and thereafter, appointing her as Cabinet Minister. Through her many people have been and are still being helped. She’s a blessing to the Nation Rev Tembo stated.

Meanwhile, on Saturday Mrs Chewe Donated assorted food staffs to Freedom fighters based in Kalulushi as they commemorated Africa Freedom Day.

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