The Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) has developed an online payment solution for road tax and road worthiness application that will enhance service delivery.
The new online payment solution will be accessed through the RTSA website and interfaced with various electronic payment provider platforms and the electronic Zambia Transport Information System (e-ZAMTIS) system.
RTSA Head- Public Relation Fredrick Mubanga said the online payment solution will allow customers to make cashless payments for services through the internet.
Mr Mubanga said that this will present a number of advantages, including cost and time savings, increased sales and reduced transaction costs.
He said the objective is to enhance service delivery and efficiency through the use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as a critical success factor and thereby enhancing the operations of RTSA.
Mr Mubanga said the development process of the online payment solutions is currently undergoing acceptance tests and is expected to be launched by second quarter of 2019.
“The online payment solution requirements have taken into consideration the RTSA business processes such as road tax and extend the business function to online service delivery. The business function modules include the following: 1. Licencing – Motor Vehicles 2. Examinations – Motor Vehicle; and 3. Stakeholders and RTSA Web Applications,” he said.
He said the above modules have taken care of all the requirements which will help RTSA achieve benefits which are not limited to the ones mentioned to quick online service delivery.
Mr Mubanga said the new system is web based and as such the services will be accessed electronically by the general public from the comfort of their respective dwellings 24-7 from their desktops, laptops, or mobile devices.
“The new online payment solution for road tax would present various opportunities for RTSA in terms of effective service delivery and increase the compliance levels for payment of road tax and other statutory fees. The online payment solution for road tax is a ‘ game changer’ and would also present an opportunity to lay a foundation for the next big thing which is big data and business intelligence (BI),” he said.