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The Independent Observer > News > IBA unreasonable-PAZA

IBA unreasonable-PAZA

The Press Association of Zambia (PAZA) says the directive by the Independent Broadcasting Authority ( IBA) that Radio and Television stations must to submit recordings of programmes to IBA every two weeks is unreasonable.

PAZA President Andrew Sakala said the regulatory powers of the IBA should be exercised in a manner that engenders compliance and not otherwise.

Mr Sakala said IBA should at all times put the interests, and growth of the broadcast industry.

“This means that Radio and Tv stations should be allowed to operate without unnecessary hurdles and be given the free space that is required for the media to thrive.

“The operational and administrative challenges that the IBA faces should not be used to make life difficult for Radio and Tv stations. Even though the IBA has legal authority to demand for recordings, this should not be abused setting unreasonable deadlines. What emergencies or matters have arisen to make such a demand?” he asked.

Je wondered what IBA wants to cure and What will happen to those who fail.

“What public interest matters are being served or saved? This directive should be rescinded and a better and practical mechanism be devised.

“It should be a mechanism that engenders compliance and not default,” he said.

The IBA has produced new demands.

The IBA has directed all radio and television stations countrywide to be submitting recordings of their broadcasting programmes every after two weeks.

IBA Director General Josephine Mapoma directed all broadcasting stations to submit recordings of their talk shows, discussion programmes, paid for programmes, and news bulletins among others.

“The recordings to be submitted shall consist of: (a) All discussion programmes, including paid for programmes (where applicable); (b) All talk shows (where applicable); (c) All news bulletins and news analysis (where applicable); and (c) All musical programmes. Other types of content such as movies and dramas among others shall be requested for on the need basis,” said Mapoma.


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