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Pep leader sensing ZCID using him

Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP) Sean Tembo is annoyed after realizing that PF is using him as a surrogate to champion its own cause at the on dialogue championed by Zambia Centre for Inter-Party Dialogue (ZCID).

This was after State House Spokesperson Amos Chanda is reported to have issued instruction to ZCID.

Mr Tembo said Pep position was that the statement by the Government through Mr Chanda undermines the independence of ZCID and has the effect of casting aspersions on the capacity of ZCID to facilitate the on-going national dialogue process.

“As a Board Member of ZCID, my understanding is that ZCID cannot take instructions from State House, or indeed from any individual or institution. If the Patriotic Front had any suggestions on how the on-going national dialogue process can be enhanced by incorporating other players such as the Church, the right approach would have been to table a proposal to the ZCID Board through their two representatives to the Board, and not to shout instructions to ZCID through State House.

“By virtue of Mr Chanda shouting instructions at ZCID, State House is essentially creating an impression that the ZCID Board is made up of puppets who report to State House. I cannot speak on behalf of other ZCID Board Members, but speaking for myself, l strongly recent such a portrayal,” he said.

Mr Tembo has called on ZCID, to immediately issue a clear and unequivocal statement advising State House to stay away from interfering with ZCID operations.

He said if ZCID fails to issue the requisite statement rebuking State House for trying to interfere with the operations of the Centre, within a period of 48 hours, he would tender his resignation from the Board of Governors of ZCID.

Mr Tembo was annoyed after The Independent Observer Journalist had asked him on whose interest he was serving lately and if he was championing his own cause.

Zambia has a tendency of having miniature political parties with solo membership where the purported leader receives handouts from stronger parties to discredit other political players.

There are two political parties in Lusaka with only the party leaders.

One is specialized in attacking other players but making zero progress and cannot even contest branch election. Its leader is ever in court trying to make a leaving out of scandalizing others.

The other is ever praising the ruling and there is no day he ever talked about his party.

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