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The Independent Observer > OS > Sampa travel ‘Miles’ to activate free wifi

Sampa travel ‘Miles’ to activate free wifi

By Staff Writer
Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa and his entourage have arrived in Shenzhen China to abreast himself with information Technology.

The Mayor and his entourage have since started their tour of China to gain exposure on the latest ICT Technology for the efficient management of a city.

His entourage includes Independence Ward 14 Councillor George Daka, Lubwa Ward 15 Councillor Humphrey Kapapula and some LCC Directors.

“Our quest is to find solutions to make Lusaka a SMART & ICT Intelligent City,” he said.

Mr Sampa whose campaign promise of free wifi seems to be distance miles away is in Shenzhen in China to learn something that he can copy and paste in Lusaka.

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