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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Govt committed to eliminating malaria-Mbala DC

Govt committed to eliminating malaria-Mbala DC

Mbala District Commissioner, Kedrick Sikombe says President Edgar Lungu’s administration is committed to the elimination of malaria by 2021.

Mr Sikombe said malaria can easily be eliminated if members of the community are involved.

He was speaking during the World Malaria Day Celebration under theme “End Malaria Start with Me” held at Masamba market in Sub chief Lwimbo’s areas in Mbala.

Mr Sikombe said community members play an important role in the implementation of government programmes hence their involvement.

The DC however said there is need to sensitize people on the benefits of the Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) programme in the district.

And Sub Chief Lwimbo has advised his subjects to always sleep under Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs).

The traditional Leader added that there is need to reduce the malaria incidence by 100 percent by the end of 2021 and accelerate vector control interventions which are IRS and distribution of ITNs.

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