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The Independent Observer > OS > UPND: your 70 to 0 voting isn’t normal

UPND: your 70 to 0 voting isn’t normal

Dear UPND cadres,

A voting patten of 75 to 0 on a make or break issue is not democracy.

It is not normal.

These results dont show a normal curve, they dont show the normal four quadrants of a normal curve ( for those who did graphs or statistics at school).

It shows unanimity on one side. It shows one type of thinking. It shows no critical review. Its shows fear or indeed dullness on the part of the voter.

You can not all be unanimous on a decision whose outcome is not easy to fathom.

Where are the cowards in the meeting, where the cautious and where are the head strong?

Such voting pattern can only be found in dictatorships such as Rwanda where Kagame got 98% of the vote or North Korea where the supreme leader is sacrosanct.

These results show that UPND leadership is manned by blinkered leaders. Leaders with no critical analysis, with no independent thinking faculties.

It might be time to bring in fresh blood in your National Management Committee (NMC).

It might be time to bring in fresh blood in your secretariat.

It might be time to review who is heading UPND.

The GBM issue might be the straw that breaks your back before the 2021 to return your party to number 3 position!

Mthoniswa Banda

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