Dear Editor
Mazhandu Family bus standards have gone very low am on this bus (pictures of registration attached) from Chililabombwe to Lusaka. The driver is careless, without concentration on the road.
He is busy on the phone while trying to overtake twice, than Mazhandu had to dangerously avoid being hit into by this bus driver as he joined the oncoming lane without bothering to check if there were vehicles behind already overtaking.
On three separate incidents, the bus was almost hitting into oncoming vehicles, purely based on poor judgment and careless driving by the driver.
Additionally, the driver and his crew have no courtesy whatsoever.
They stop to greet their friends anyhow, to buy things as charcoal, groundnuts, tomatoes and just about anything, on different junctures.
This delays the journey and its no longer a time bus because they are picking passengers even on short distances as between Chililabombwe -Chingola, Luanshya turnoff – Levy Mwanawasa stadium.
Yet, passengers who were dropping in Ndola were left along the road not at the station. If this isn’t dangerous, then I don’t know what it is.
RTSA should be doing something about these buses because such attitude, carelessness and dangerous driving is what leads into massive deaths.
Concerned Passager