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The Independent Observer > News > Nothing wrong with current crop of Radio presenters

Nothing wrong with current crop of Radio presenters

By Kellys Kaunda
What’s wrong, (is there anything wrong in the first place?) with the current crop of radio presenters?

I believe in the democratization of the radio space in which everyone has the right to participate who ever they may be – gender, age, race, education-wise, religious and ethnic affinity, etc.

This participation may be in form of being presenters, program guests or callers. Their participation may be by way of personal opinion, researched opinion or expert opinion. They may be highly opinionated or otherwise – it is entirely their choice.

As a democratic platform, radio is so dynamic that applying principles and standards of journalism to the medium is likely to stifle freedom of expression. Much of human conversation that takes place every day is simple and devoid of systematic approaches associated with academic or scientific engagement.

Radio, in my view, must allow for the every day normal conversation so that “normal” conversation and “normal” people participate as presenters, guests and callers like Mr. Proud of Garden compound.

By the way, in my view, it is not a sign of sophistication or being educated or informed when you imitate BBC, CNN or Sky News presenters or analysts. As long as you meet normal standards of decent conversation as generally set by society (which is taught to us by our parents in childhood and not journalism schools), you can go on air!

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