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The Independent Observer > News > IBA shouldn’t muzzle media space-Panos

IBA shouldn’t muzzle media space-Panos

Panos Institute Southern Africa calls suspension of broadcasting license of Prime TV will instil fear in other broadcasters thereby muzzling the media space and freedom of the media to inform.

Panos Institute Southern Africa (PSAf) Executive Director Lilian Kiefer said the action by Zambia’s Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) may contribute to muzzling of media space and freedom of the media to inform, educate and entertain without fear or favour.

Speaking in a press statement, Ms Kiefer said Panos is of view that the IBA has at its disposal other means or avenues of engaging prime TV and other media houses without taking such severe action.

“We reiterate that the media is an important driver of Zambia’s democracy. When the media is restricted through suspensions as is the case with Prime TV, citizens are deprived of platforms through which they can speak truth to power and hold their leaders to account. This limits the extent to which citizens can access and share information on developmental issues of concern to them and their communities.

“Panos therefore appeals to the IBA to reconsider its stance, and immediately lift the suspension of Prime TV’s broadcasting license. We are s urging the IBA to use other channels other than suspension of broadcasting licenses to address any issues or concerns relating to the professional conduct of a media house,” she said.

She implored IBA to rescind the suspension of the broadcasting license for one of the country’s leading private television stations, Prime TV.

On March 4, the IBA wrote to Prime TV management informing them that following a hearing held on March 1, 2019, the authority had resolved to suspend Prime TV’s broadcasting license for 30 days.

The reason cited for the suspension were that the station ‘failed…to comply with the conditions of the broadcasting license.’

During the suspension, Prime TV ‘is expected to conduct in-house training in basic journalism ethics and news script writing.’


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