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The Independent Observer > News > Ministry of Health hikes clinical fees by over 800%?

Ministry of Health hikes clinical fees by over 800%?

Dear Editor,

Government has hiked fees for students training health professional courses by unattainable 800%.

A medical doctor student who goes for one year for practical attachment will have to pay over K52, 000 directly to the Ministry of Health. This is on top of various other fees paid to their institution.

Previously, it was K9, 048 for the same duration for the same profession.

A clinical officer going for eight months will be required to pay K14, 400 for attachment alone. This money will not be going to hospitals where these students are doing attachments but Ministry of Health.

Previously, it was K2, 994.24 for Diploma Clinical officers.

Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya had recently scraped off licentiate exams for doctors and while students are still in celebratory mood, Government hits again.
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Yama ba Chitalu Chilufya, you know very well about this abnormal increase because that’s your ministry.

And such decisions go through Cabinet, hence the President knows also.

My honesty view on this one is, cabinet has turned down the confidence the electorates gave the PF.

This is now telling health teaching facilities to automatically increase the tuition fees which will result in poor health care.

Why should poor Zambians be milked further?

Such increases are intended in milking the last coin from the already milked Zambians.

What is PAYE used for in this error?

Is PAYE reserved for MPs gratuity?

Our leadership is adding salt on people’s wounds.

General Nursing Council (GNC) nayo charging K475 for changing Midwifery/Theatre Nurses certificates to Diploma.

K475 for changing a paper?

In addition, GNC Kitwe is not doing that service.

All Nurses have to travel to Lusaka just to change a paper?

Why can’t other GNC centres receive from their regions and then send to Lusaka?

Ala this kind of milking Zambians in all angles will cost the PF.

Honourable Members, Present, kindly do the needful for the poor Zambians twapapata.

I submit

 Clarence Kalumbu Chinyanta
PF Member

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