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I will appeal the ban-Mwamelo

Former Football Association of Administrator Boniface Mwamelo says he will appeal his ban by Fifa.

World soccer body FIFA yesterday imposed a lifelong ban on Mwamelo, for having accepted bribes.

“The adjudicatory chamber of the independent Ethics Committee has found Mr Boniface Mwamelo, the former treasurer and vice-president of the Football Association of Zambia, guilty of having accepted bribes in violation of the FIFA Code of Ethics,” FIFA said in a statement.

Along with a ban for life from all national and international football-related activities, Mwamelo was given a 10,000 Swiss franc ($10,015) fine. ($1 = 0.9985 Swiss francs) (Reporting by Brenna Hughes Neghaiwi; Editing by Catherine Evans)

But Mwamelo said he will appeal to clear his name.

“I confirm receipt of the decision arrived at by the Adjuratory Chamber of the FIFA Ethics Committee. I am glad it is an appealable case, I will do everything within my means to clear my name,” he said.



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