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Katundu man put on defence

The Petauke Magistrate court has put Rodger Mwanza on defence in a matter where he is facing three counts of indecent assault, making and circulating of obscene material.

This is in a matter in which Mwanza 28, of Petauke was seen in the social media video fondling with a woman’s private parts when she was laying unconscious.

Mwanza was put on defence after his Defence Counsel Ferdinand Jere was successful with his application to amend the indictment.

When the matter came up for ruling on yesterday, February 26, 2019, Petauke Resident Magistrate Ackson Mumba said he had substituted the words ‘with intent to’ in count two and three and replaced them with ‘tending to’ under section 213 of the criminal procedure court chapter 88 of the laws of Zambia, as applied for by the accused lawyer earlier on.

In count one, it is alleged that Mwanza on August 25, 2018 did indecently assault, a named woman contrary to section 137 sub section one of the laws of Zambia

In count two, it is alleged that Mwanza on the same date did make obscene material with intent to corrupt public morals contrary to section 177 subsection 1(A) of the laws of Zambia and circulated obscene material contrary to section 177 subsection 1(B) of the laws of Zambia in count three.

And Mwanza was asked to take fresh plea in count two and three and pleaded not guilty to both counts.

Magistrate Mr Mumba said the state had made its case in all the three counts and therefore puts Mwanza on his defence.

Mwanza remains remanded in custody because he was denied bail.

The matter has been adjourned March 13, 2019 for defence on all three counts/ZANIS.

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