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The Independent Observer > OS > Albinos living under threat-John Chiti

Albinos living under threat-John Chiti

By Staff Writer
The Albino Foundation of Zambia is concerned that people living with albinism have continued to live under threat.


In an interview with Feel Free news, Foundation director, John Chiti notes that eastern province has not been spared regarding albinos being hunted for ritual purposes.

Mr Chiti cites Lundazi district in particular, saying it has recorded the highest number of albinos being killed in the country.

He has attributed this to the proximity of Lundazi to neighbouring Malawi, noting that the most recent involved a witchdoctor from that country.

Mr Chiti has since sounded a warning to anyone who will be found engaging in such illicit acts that his organization will not rest until such culprits face the wrath of the law.

And Mr Chiti has disclosed that his organization is conducting a number of programmes aimed at equipping albinos with skills on how they can protect themselves from predators.

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