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NDC expels Kambwili

National Democratic Congress (NDC) has FIRED Chishimba Kambwili as its consultant.

NDC Secretary General, Mwenya Musenge has confirmed the news live on Unzaradio this morning.

Mr Musenge said that,”Mr Kambwili’s conduct is making the party look like a party of jokers” we are not racist, we are not xenophobic”

He has further advised Mr Kambwili to concentrate on fighting for his contested membership in PF.

“I know he (Chishimba Kambwili) will go with a lot of followers but I don’t mind as long as the right thing is done.
Even if it means Mwenya Musenge remaining with only the party certificate it is fine!”

But the real battle arose when confirmed reports showed that Kambwili collected money for the party mobilization but used the money on his medical treatment and his UK lifestyle.

The NDC leadership has also been dismayed that Kambwili has refused to vacate his seat as Roan member of parliament despite being expelled by the ruling party.

NDC says this has affected its mobilization and member recruitment country-wide.


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