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The Independent Observer > News > Mother, baby killed in a maize field in Petauke

Mother, baby killed in a maize field in Petauke

Police in Petauke have picked up the bodies of a mother and her baby who where found dead in their maize field.

The murder occurred between February 10, 2019 around 14:00 hours and February 12, 2019 at 06:00 hours at Mzumwa village, Chief Kalindawalo of Petauke.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katonga  confirmed the incident which was reported by Raphael Lungu 46, that his wife Joyce Tembo 41, and his son Moses Lungu two were found dead at their field of maize within Mzumwa Village.

Ms Katongo said the bodies of the deceased were found in a decomposed state with suspected head injuries and two stones suspected to have been used in the act were spotted two meters away from where the deceased’s bodies laid.

She said the two deceased persons went missing on Sunday February 10, 2019 at 14:00 hours and were discovered on 12th February, 2019 at 06:00.

“The deceased were found dead by the husband of the deceased Raphael Lungu and his brother-in-Law Malenga Tembo at their maize field, Bodies are in Petauke District Hospital mortuary awaiting postmortem. Investigations have been instituted,” she said.

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