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The Independent Observer > Letters > Zamtel tower in Lulamba does not have power backup

Zamtel tower in Lulamba does not have power backup

Dear Zamtel,
Zamtel tower in Chingola’s Lualamba area does not have power backup and when there is power outage it means, even your network is down.

I contacted your team in Chingola which confirmed that there is no power backup and your network solely depend on Zesco supply.

I hear this is because vandals had more than once stolen the power batteries claimed to value $50, 000 each.

There are some of us who only use Zamtel to communicate, this means when we have lost supply we can’t call Zesco or police in case of emergency all because of your economizing with resource.

This is a serious security hazard. What it means is that when power is lost, the whole community with over 18, 000 people is cut off from police emergency line, Zesco, Mulonga Water and other emergency entities.

Your tower is located right at the Lulamba bus station inside Methodist church. Show cause why ZICTA should not penalize you for this negligence and punishment of your subscribers.

Lately, Lulamba is off power supply more than six times a day. This means the Zamtel customers are equally off network when power supply is lost.

We hear that after your backup installations were stolen you have resolved to punish everyone including us non vandals. Is that one way of telling us that being a good citizen doesn’t pay?

Sadly, you have not provided security to guard the purported $100, 000 installations. Is that being serious really?
Chinya Sakala

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