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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Zambia embraces digital revolution-Lungu

Zambia embraces digital revolution-Lungu

President Edgar Lungu has said that Zambia has embraced the digital revolution and was promoting a smart Zambia.

He said this was a recognition that information and communications technology (ICTs) would contribute to economic growth and the job creation agenda.

He said this through Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Christopher Yaluma, who represented President Lungu at the Smart Africa Board Meeting held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

He said ICTs would encourage a knowledge driven economy and would help increase Africa’s competitiveness in the global economy.

President Lungu said ICTs had the ability to level the global playing field, unlock human capital and accelerate national development.

Smart Africa was created by heads of states in Kigali in 2013 at which they committed to provide leadership in accelerating socio-economic development through ICT’s.

The member states also created the Smart Africa Alliance, a partnership that brings African countries together with; the International Telecommunications Union( ITU), World Bank, AfDB, Economic Commission of Africa (ECA), the GSMA, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers(ICANN) and the private sector.

The Smart Africa also developed the Smart Africa Manifesto which promotes principles to put ICT at the center of national socio-economic development agenda; to improve access to ICT especially Broadband; to improve accountability, efficiency and openness through ICT.

It also encourages member states to place the right policy and regulatory environment that will encourage partnerships, entrepreneurship, job creation and knowledge.

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