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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Zambia maintained open door asylum policy for refuges-Malanji

Zambia maintained open door asylum policy for refuges-Malanji

Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Malanji says Zambia has maintained an open door asylum policy that allows refuges to live among citizens.

He said in 2017 more than twenty thousand refugees entered the country from countries in the region, followed by more than ten thousand others in 2018.

The Minister said this when he made an intervention on the theme ” Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons: Towards Durable Solutions to forced Displacement in Africa”, during a closed door session of the 34th Extraordinary Executive Council.

Mr Malanji said Zambia’s commitment and policy to sheltering refugees and internally-displaced-persons has remained intact for over fifty years as the country has continued to receive asylum seekers from neighboring countries and from far beyond.

Zambia is currently hosts over 76,000 refugees.

This is contained in a statement issued byFirst Secretary ~Press/Tourism, Zambia Embassy Ethiopia. Addis Ababa
Inutu  Mwanza

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