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The Independent Observer > Letters > Zambia corruption index standing worrying

Zambia corruption index standing worrying

Dear Editor,
The released Zambia World corruption index standing at 105 among the most corrupt countries in the world according to International Watchdog is worrying for our growing economy.
Much as President Edgar Lungu has several times warned against corrupt practices among civil servants and civic leaders, his cry and warning seem to have fallen on deaf ears, hence this scenario.
If not so, the current statistics should have proved otherwise.
Corruption is a cancer and involves stealing of public funds, forgeries among others and should not therefore be fought with kid gloves if it has to be won.
Allegations of corruption in recruitment, tendering, land acquisition, political ascendance, examination malpractices are the most pronounced in our country that need urgent mitigation.
The rot however stops at the republican President to strictly put in place measure that would always deter such vices whether in public or private sectors of our great nation.
The general citizenry should also not fold hands but should be involved in the fight to cleanse our nation of this cancer called corruption.
The fight in short is ours as Zambians and investigative wings should always help curb such vices when reported without looking at anyone’s face or political affiliation.
Together, we can win the battle while divided, we shall just worsen it.
Wisdom Muyunda


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