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Op-Ed: Foreigners capitalising on Zambians’ docility

…the case for Prudential Life Zambia

By Mike Sichula
Prudential Zambia under the leadership of Krishnaswamy Rajagopol, has seen enough fairer skin supremacy, which is near shocking because they’re the minority.

The affairs of the company are in the hands of two people, MD and his Head of strategy, and the rest of the Zambian HODs basically rubber stamp the duo’s decisions.

He gives her salary increments as he pleases, he changes her roles as he sees fit-some of which aren’t even advertised for others to apply for.

They seem to be the only two who can fly business class for work engagements as other Excom members don’t seem to qualify for that.

In fact, the man and his chief strategist will fly business class at exorbitant rates, while local junior staffers can’t even claim their overtime pay without it being audited by MD himself, in the name of cost management measures.

Anyone who appears to have opposing views to his openly biased ways of working is either managed or frustrated out.

Former CEO Prudential Pensions had his contract not renewed.

Head-HR was recently frustrated out of the system, asking him to leave office within 2 days of his resignation.

And the helpless locals just watch.

One can’t help but wonder who he will dribble out of a job next. And still there’ll be no solidarity from others.

He must think Zambians are foolish.

To go back to basics Editor, maybe the real anomaly is why and how is this man MD to start with?

Does Zambia not have younger, well qualified men and women who’re capable of leading this Company?

Why do our regulators go to nap when nations around the world are making laws that favor their own?

Has anyone been to the labor office, you may ask?

The locals are weary, for at the slightest hint of a complaint to the office that’s supposed to protect its people, the complaints seem to reach his ears immediately.

Aside being docile, we peacefully snitch on each other too! Appalling and sad. But every dog surely should have its own day.

Members of Staff hope that publishing this will awaken even just one official at the Labor office into peeping on the affairs of Prudential.

Maybe another office bearer at the Pensiona Insurance Authority PIA might want to revisit the laws and regulations around office bearers in the insurance industry.

“And maybe, just maybe, the mighty Krishnaswamy Rajagopol will sit back and introspect on his ways of managing the affairs of the company-especially far as human capital is concerned” a frustrated Worker told our Team.

Another Worker has wondered where The Board of Directors, is failing to respond to concerns of Zambian workers at the Company.


The Ministry of Labour and Social Security needs to surely have a chance of approach because there just too many Labour issues not resolved in the Labour sector.

A week ago, we highlighted how Torres, a United States based Security company left Zambia without settling redundancy payment to over 350 employees. This is after the Company lost its contract of providing Security Services to the US Embassy in Zambia.

Attached is a picture of the named Prudential Member of Staff…

The Speech Analyst

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