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The Independent Observer > OS > Ndola maize fields under army worms attack

Ndola maize fields under army worms attack

Ndola maize fields have been invaded by fall army worms (FAW).

But Ndola District Agriculture Coordinator Henry Matola says the army worms in Ndola are manageable because most farmers had employed the use of the recommended chemicals.

The army worms which are being sited in Zambia now, are originally native to the Americas and the larva feed on corn, have been sited in various places across Ndola.

Ndola City Council Public Relations Manager Tilyenji Mwanza said in an early warning initiative, the council through DACO’s office had set up traps in eight agricultural camps across Ndola.

Ms Mwanza said the move was aimed at detecting the levels of infestations and sensitize the farmers to take necessary measures to reduce the population of the pest.

“The traps have been set up in designated parts of Ndola such as Muchinka, Kaniki, Chichele, Kafubu and Misundu.  We urge local farmers to employ early spraying of chemicals such as Cypermethrin, termoforce and Lamda among others on their maize crops in order to combat the destructive insects immediately they observe them in the field,” she said.

And Mr Matola said areas such as Madando camp had so far recorded no cases of the worms as of January 4, 2019.

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