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The Independent Observer > News > Chingola Council grabs offals, destroys them

Chingola Council grabs offals, destroys them

Chingola Municipal Council (CMC) swung into action and seized offals from Bylo beef butchery in Town opposite Titanic Nite Club.

Chingola Council Public Relations Officer Given Masambika said the seizure was done following complaints of offensive smell emanating from Bylo beef butchery in Town Center.

Mr Musambika said an inspection was conducted by the Health Inspector and revealed that the offensive smell was as a result of decomposed offals.

“This was as a result of malfunctioning of their cold room. A total number of 98kg of offals were seized by Chingola Municipal Council Public Health Department and later destroyed by the Health Inspectors in the presence of a representative from Bylo beef butchery.

“The seized product contravened the provisions of the Public Health Act, Cap 295 and the Food and Drugs Act, Cap 303 of the laws of Zambia,” he said.

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