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Supreme Court decision thrill Kitwe Council

Kitwe City Council has cheered the Supreme Court verdict  which has upheld the decision by the local authority to award stand number 280 on Matuka Avenue formerly Astra Cinema to Ritas Investment.

Kitwe Mayor Christopher Kang’ombe said the complainant Aestos Transfarm Limited had appealed against the High Court decision in favor of Kitwe council in a case that has taken over 15 years to be disposed of.

Mr Kang’ome said the long standing ownership dispute resulted in the plot in question remaining unkempt and in a disused state.

He said the state of the plot attracted public concern as the plot is located in the central Business District (CBD).

“With the matter finally rested by the Supreme Court Kitwe City Council that the piece of land will quickly developed into a modern facility be location in the city’s’ CBD.

“Modern Infrastructure on the plot of land will improve the beauty of the City and also boost the revenue base for the City Council,” he said.

This is contained in a press statement made available to The Independent Observer by Kitwe Mayor Christopher Kang’ombe.

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