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Big Joe speaks out on Social Cash Transfer weaning remarks

Chingola PF strongman John Mupeta popularly known as Big Joe says Social Cash Transfer isn’t a heft pay for some Members of Parliament to call for weaning of its beneficiaries.

Mr Mupeta was reacting to Bwana Mukuba MP Dr Jonas Chanda who asked Parliament to begin thinking of weaning the beneficiaries of the SCT so that they don’t become dependent on Government.

Mr Mupeta who is former Chingola PF District chairperson said the calls by the Bwana Mukuba Lawmaker were misplaced and misguided.

“Dr Chanda with due respect social cash transfer (SCT) is not like hefty perks. That is why Government came up with this scheme to appreciate the contribution that these men and women have rendered to our mother Zambia.

“SCT is just a token of recognition and no one can comfortably support him self/herself on SCT. Such initiative for the aged does not only apply to Zambia but other progressive countries. Dr Chanda your constituency needs your support SCT is just hand to mouth to sustain the beneficiaries in your constituency and Zambia in general. Government should be commended for this lnitiative of SCT,” he said.

Big Joe was reacting in The Independent Observer Outside News Sources WhatsApp forum.

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